Jake’s Shout Out to the Blue Man Group

December 21, 2017

Jake once again has put on his poet’s cap, and penned a tribute to the Blue Man Group, who performed so brilliantly at Sunday’s Christmas in the City Holiday Party.

Homeless children certainly do not have an easy LIFE
Full of challenges, disappointments, and daily STRIFE.
And those wonderful joys, we take for granted during the holiday TIME,
Like gifts, food, warmth, mistletoe, friends and that magical Christmas CHIME

As the snowflakes float down, like a gift from from heaven ABOVE
We dance, sing, sled, skate and take sleigh rides overflowing with LOVE
Alas, these same snow flakes to an unfortunate child may mean another cold, shivering NIGHT
In this war between the haves and have-nots..you know it just isn’t RIGHT!

So Christmas in the City strives at this time of year to show these kids that there is holiday MAGIC
And we feel that if they don’t get to share some of it, it would be truly unjust……..even TRAGIC
So each year we reach out and want so badly to make the event better and BETTER
I think this is a better party than seeing who’s wearing the ugliest Christmas SWEATER

I must admit, we already have a plethora of treats, and special surprises , but we want MORE
There are no more deserving kids to be the kids in a candy STORE
So we searched and scoured, and puzzled and puzzled, until our puzzlers were SORE
What could we do this year to improve, what surprise could emerge behind Santa’s DOOR?

One year we added the petting zoo, and one year we added stuffed backpacks to go with their PRESENT
We added burritos and chicken wings, but we kept the white turkey and cranberry, to keep us CONTENT
Another time it was a parade with all the bells and WHISTLES, and yet another year it was a minstrel SHOW
BUT… what about this year? How could we possibly enhance it for the kids…Does anybody possibly KNOW?

And finally…….. someone proposed, “let’s make it blue”, and I said that is crazy, I never heard of Blue SNOW
If we want to reach out to these wonderful kids, we must continue to hunt down realistic ways to make it GROW
But they persisted, and said if we wanted to help the kids, our only hope was blue, blue and more BLUE
Now I got downright angry, why would we make these poor, sad kids even more blue, you don’t have a CLUE

But somehow, some way, they got their wish for the party, Blue became the primary color of CHOICE
And I was negative and confused, and actually too busy to raise my dissenting VOICE
And as I was rushing around liked a crazed maniac trying to find a way to diminish these kids’ BLISS
I glanced at the stage and notice some Blue Creatures were emerging from a Blue ABYSS

Ands soon Blue paint was spattering and erupting like lava from an VOLCANO
And although I was a complete skeptic, I was thinking this may be okay, THOUGH
“I’ll have a Blue Christmas” , I thought was Elvis’s exclusive ENTITY
I had no freakin idea it would catapult Christmas in the City’s IDENTITY

I mean, when Blue Man Group performed, it epitomized the Christmas MIRACLE
So truly astonishing and amazing, it did not even have to be LYRICAL
The room was beyond electric, the kids, parents, volunteers were MESMERIZED
Better than a show PT Barnum, Sondheim, Spielberg and Lloyd-Weber could have DEVISED

I mean the look of joy on all the FACES
The elevated hearts in all the PLACES
That room was full of all ethnicities, religions and human RACES
Yet that was better gift for all than Santa drinking cocoa in front of their FIREPLACES

Blue Man Group epitomized the mission of bringing holiday memories that will never be EXTINGUISHED
And even though the Trans Siberian orchestra or Pavarotti might be louder and more DISTINGUISHED
But now for me and the homeless and underprivileged children who made up that enormous TROOP
There are memories and inner joys that will glow for a lifetime because you knocked us for an awe-inspiring LOOP

I can say with no traces of reservation, that we are now Blue Man Group disciples for INFINITY
And I know I’ll have a Blue Christmas without Blue Man Group, and I know I will forever possess a Blue AFFINITY
And I know it is tad bit sacrilegious to elevate some one above the Holy TRINITY
But what the Blue Man trio did for those kids is absolute DIVINITY

Thank you, Blue Man Group – and all the other entertainers, supporting organizations, volunteers and donors who made the party the best ever!

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